i feel like i have so many new photos to share here on my blog but i just haven't had the desire to prepare them into posts! it doesn't help that my editing process feels a bit strained lately since i no longer have lightroom (horrors!) and am exclusively using photoshop to edit my photos. which is just not what i'm used to. the laptop that i had been using for years finally bit the dust. probably prematurely because i'm kind of the least responsible person on the planet. so yeah, i am now using maybe, just maybe, the worst laptop of all time. and editing photos is a slight nightmare due to it's color issues. but alas i must go on because i mean really what would i do if i couldn't produce photos of these two sweetest-boys in my life? also, i'm pretty sure the theme of my blog is just complaining when i have the worst luck with technology... everyone needs a niche, right?
so today i'm throwing together some random photos that haven't made the cut into my blog posts lately, but that i still love!
happy friday everyone!
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