by gillian claire



these boys.

these boys,
my heart.

country baby.

ahh those faces kill me! those teeth!
i hoped to get photos of both boys the other day, but roman wasn't feeling it. 
these were shot out in our backyard in the corn fields.
there are some little patches of grass out there, and the corn is popping up now! i didn't even notice until i was out there tromping through the field and realized i was stepping on the little sprouts... oops.
asher's little twiggy legs are super strong now and he loves to stand. 
he took his first step during roman's last tball game on wednesday :)
mmm baby love.

ten month day.

happy ten months ash.
your ten month day was filled with smiles and playing and doing a rediculous new laugh that you taught yourself on the spot. you make us all smile. your big toothy grin kills me. you are just a bundle of sunshine and joy. 
you love to say uh-oh and say yay while clapping :)
ten months! eek. 
this goes by so much faster the second time. 
asheyboo, i love your wispy blonde hair, i love how cuddly and close you are to me. 
i love how you love me so purely, 
thank you.
(photos and writing from yesterday)


i love watching this relationship grow.
roman was under the impression last night that he would become asher's daddy when he grew up. :) i love that to roman, asher will always be his baby brother.


photos from last night, walking around town. 
loving summertime weather and family walks.
this is such a sweet photo of aaron holding asher.
and i caught some roman love before my camera died for the night :)
such a sweetheart. he spent most of our walk convincing us that he needs a wheelchair for walks because walking is too hard for his legs. hah!

i've been working on trying to catch up on my school work and also organizing tons of photos to print for my parents' birthdays. needless to say, i am failing miserably at both!

in the meantime, i just thought i'd share two absolutely adorable photos. well, in my opinion at least.
my little boys, playing at picnic tables, chubby baby hands.
how did i get so lucky?
roman, 2008

asher, 2012

also, i was featured here yesterday :) thanks rachael!

little moments.

eating a biscuit in the highchair.
all of a sudden my baby is looking a bit like a toddler to me.


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