Happy Friday, friends!
How was your week? My boys started back to school on Wednesday and I've done things like: catch up on work without distractions, leisurely stop by the store to pick something up without anyone whining for anything and wonder why my house is SO quiet for 7 hours a day now! :)
Here are 5 quick things I have to share:

Roman started 4th grade and Asher started 1st! I know everyone says this but: how are they this old?? I can't believe that this is the 5th year that we've been in this school routine. I have to say this week didn't go off as seamlessly as I'd hoped. Roman was very sad about summer being over and really bummed out after his first day. Asher was ecstatic after his 1st day but experienced some bullying on the bus after his 2nd day. This mama bear went straight to the principal about it because, I know kids will be kids but this went too far; trust me. Luckily, the school handled it really well and made both kids apologize and made Ash feel much better. Roman has also perked up and I feel like both kids are ending the week feeling positive about this year- fingers crossed!


THE ECLIPSE. Guys, I was literally waiting for this eclipse like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. I'm obsessed with the sky. It is so meaningful + powerful to me so this day was big. I'm thankful that I had my sister in law here to enjoy it with me and make it even more special!


This quote from @cleowade. The events in Chartlottesville broke my heart. I'm white and there is so much adversity that I've been blind to and spared from because of that. The past year has shown me how much racism is still existing under the surface and I feel more than ever that it is so important for us to fight against it!
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I hope you all had a great week. I'm about to go pick the boys up from school and we have plans to go to the trampoline park + order Papa John's tonight. The trampoline park is kind of the best y'all. These wild boys get out crazy amounts of energy and in return they think I'm the best mom ever.
Also, have you tried Papa John's gluten free pizza? I'm currently doing a gluten + dairy free trial and their gluten free pizza with no cheese is like my favorite thing right now...
Ok, I'll stop rambling! Ramble to me about your week + weekend plans in the comments!