by gillian claire: romey turns 9.



romey turns 9.

words can't even touch how i feel about my first baby, roman, turing 9 years old today. when he was born, i was practically a baby myself and how lucky i am now to have grown through these years with him by my side. i call him "moon" and he calls me his "star" and it's a universe that i'm pretty damn proud to be a part of. 
just some words i shared on instagram on roman's birthday 12/6 
during his birthday week i tearfully went through these old photos of him, thinking deeply about this beautiful boy and what he means to me.
happy 9th birthday romey, i can't wait to see what another year brings. <3
_MG_8147IMG_5743IMG_5744IMG_4253IMG_4256IMG_4247-2157149IMG_5251-2IMG_5224-2IMG_472827.27.pursuits of a five year old.pursuits of a five year old.roman.


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