by gillian claire: happy thoughts.



happy thoughts.

well, it's a new week!
things are changing slowly around here... we've still been busy doing a whole lot of nothing, but also hiking a ton in the mountains which has been absolutely won.der.ful. in every way. :)
we're getting ready to head to my grandparents' house for another couple days of yard work. aaron will probably be starting his new job this week or next. i have a photo shoot coming up this weekend. i have been busy scouring homeschool curriculums and trying to put some plans in place for roman's kindergarten this fall.
 amidst all of that, i wanted to stop in and share some miscellaneous photos from recently and some of the little "happy thoughts" in our lives right now :)

IMG_3585IMG_3580two little faces and four little hands with chubby fingers to adore.
also, it kills me that roman love to wear my t-shirts to bed right now. ;)
 ( yes, i know they have mullets. this was pre-haircuts! )
IMG_3599IMG_3596these crazy curls, and this soft, smooth, cuddly little baby boy of mine.
i always hate to trim his hair, but as you can see it gets a little out of control. ;)
IMG_3617IMG_3620asher's spider obsession. 
he literally LOVES this little collection of "piders" as he calls them. he has all these little games he plays with them and i love when he says, "where pider?" or "he nice!" while petting the big tarantula. it kills me that asher is getting big enough for these things. i still think of him as the little baby padding around, but here is now-  packing up roman's hand-me-down backpack with his favorite toys.
IMG_3633IMG_3634summer beauty.
now that i really think about it, i am definitely not ready for fall.. and surely not winter. how will i be able to survive without all the sunflowers and sunshine?
IMG_3746asher eating a quesadilla on the counter,
colorful bowls + great natural light.
that's it for now ;) what are your happy things?
would you take a minute and vote for me?

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  1. oh, i am just swooning over those first two photos of the boys on the porch. just beautiful. p.s. i've just voted for you on TBB!


  2. Your boys have the sweetest little faces!!! Almost as sweet as my boy's. ;) I love it that you moved somewhere photogenic, it's so fun! And lots of rainbows?!?!? Those are rare around here.

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  4. Thanks for reading. Glad it was helpful!


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